We bring Confort
to your house...
About Us
Born from a happy union of family members and longtime friends from various European regions, the Company’s fundamental objective is to serve industry and community commerce by offering them a way to distribute their products throughout or in part of the European space.
Through programmed growth and the careful choice of quality products, we offer the Consumer the best consumer products produced in the world.
In a market so distorted by the “price war”, the Company bets on quality (of products and services) as a fundamental value to assert itself in the future.
These purposes will be achieved with an organization and a work climate that can attract the most capable people, that use and fully develop their skills, encourage their open and enthusiastic collaboration in order to make the Company progress in an honest and correct manner.
We will do everything so that our Brands reach the best positions in the market, making the Company, Partners, Employees, Suppliers, Customers, Consumers and the Communities in which we operate, to prosper, increasing their productivity.
We continue with our Mission
- We hire the most capable people, regardless of their race, gender or creed, the only difference that may exist is related to professional performance. For promotions we will follow the same criteria.
- We pay our employees fairly and in accordance with our ability, giving special attention to each particular case and providing them with opportunities for promotion as long as they stand out for their effective participation in the progress of our activity.
- We encourage and recognize the creativity of each Employee, their personal initiative and their power to lead, as well as their ability to face risks.
- We always maintain a light organization, based on the principle: "FEW BUT GOOD" promoting interdepartmental efforts to achieve maximum profitability of ideas and efforts.
- We are always aware that we are a Marketing company and, accordingly, we focus our main efforts on this activity, avoiding to be dispersed by other activities that, although may belong to the Company, distance us from the necessary specialization.
- We ensure the maximum development of each individual's capabilities through ongoing training and support. In this way, we form the boards of tomorrow from today's young Employees.
- We evaluate our managers by the success achieved by their subordinates.
- We maintain a tradition of personal integrity and humanism in treating each other as a unique way for achieving a solidary and fraternal working community.
- We privelege medium and long-term results over immediate results as a way of building a solid structure capable of resisting over time for the benefit of the Partners and Employees successors.
Our Partnerships

AB7 represents, for the products marketed by PROCASA, the guarantee of innovation and high technology.
Since 2005, we have maintained a pleasant and productive cooperation that has benefited both parties.
In order to get to know better this important technological company with headquarters on the outskirts of the city of Toulouse (technological heart of France), watch its latest video produced in two versions (original French and dubbed version in English).